Saturday, October 16, 2010

"you left me hanging..

Saturday, October 16, 2010
It's been 3 months since my last blog, I got too busy in certain cases that's why..

But as of this moment, I had this inclusive concept that made me drop a line in my page. I am totally uninformed of what is going on, not having even a clue of what have I've done for you to act that way. It's just so weird, the last time we see each other were fine, after that day I was not aware that day will be our last day..

It's our usual not to send messages everyday, cause were both busy and we knew each other that way. I just let that way because, its the condition of things between us generally. But I was really surprise of your way! And I'm not even fuckin' fine! How could you left me, without even giving a sensible reason nor telling that you are walking away. Your'e causing me misery and so much pain. Until now, strange and surprising. I tried to get hold of you, but you keep silent. I tried to dispose the thought of you in certain ways, but Im so stupid that I can't.

I know we haven't make a promise nor a commitment, but as a person, you should know and assess the time value I have given you. Don't just left me hanging... I am emotionally and intellectually attached with you, you must know it..

So please, growled a reply! And let something be known!
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